Does Starlink + BEAD = boon for the Lumber Industry?
November 15, 2024
I know, strange question. But the idea of LEO Satellite technology possibly upsetting the momentum of BEAD seems to be a trending conversation these days. It looks inevitable that some preferences will shift, but to what extent? Is Starlink really a cure-all? Does it really make any sense? Here is just one angle to consider, and we have to look up to understand it.On a recent webinar a participant wrote in the chat window that LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellite, the technology Starlink (and soon to be others) uses, requires line of sight (LoS). But “GEO” (Geosynchronous Earth Orbit), they wrote, (the high latency technology used by Hughesnet and Viasat), does not require LoS and “can work through the trees”. The message was half right, or half wrong depending on how you like your glass filled. Both technologies require LoS! But GEO, which is more commonly called “Geostationary” earth orbit, uses satellites that are in a fixed (stationary) position relative to the earth, so all you need is an open window through the trees to see one spot that never moves, in the southern sky (if you live in North America). Starlink, and other new LEO technologies, as the webinar attendee was trying to point out, need to see the entire clear sky to pick up their signals. The more open the sky is above your receiving dish, in all directions, the more reliable and faster LEO services will be. But anything less than a mountain top view of the heavens, diminishes what LEO satellites can offer.Trees, especially when they are full of leaves (wintertime is friendlier to wireless) block and absorb all types of radio (and light) waves. Which is also the bane of every other type of cellular, fixed wireless (FWA), or any technology based on open space radio frequency (RF) propagation. Some frequencies work better than others, but no wireless technology has X-Ray vision through tree leaves (except maybe X-Rays, which we really don’t want pointed at our homes).Which brings up the question for the millions of homeowners that live under those canopies of our State and National forests, or who just love their woods and trees overhead. There is no question that GEO internet does not work as well as LEO, but it only requires a small opening to the south to work to its optimum capability. LEO, on the other hand, would prefer meadows, prairies and cornfields (or oceans and the top side of 747’s) with clear horizon to horizon views of the sky.There is a need for Starlink, especially in the immediacy department. The State of Maine recognizes this with their current plan to offer thousands of Starlink systems to remote users, but only as an interim solution while they continue to work towards reaching everyone with Fiber. But somewhat paradoxically, heavily forested states like Maine and across the country, clear views of the sky will be the challenge for Starlink. GEO satellites have helped people in the woods get TV for decades, and more recently, the internet, as long as you have a clear view of just a small part of the southern skies. But with LEO and Starlink, putting that flat panel in the same location as your old DirectTV or Viasat dish may just simply not work. You need to be able to see to the north as much as you can see to the south (and east and west) to be able to stay locked onto the LEO constellation of satellites. Anything less cuts into the performance. There are many other trade-offs between LEO, GEO, FWA, Fiber, Coax, etc. and they all have their place in this battle to get the nation’s entire population online. But no single technology is going to solve the problem. If we try to put the nation’s funding into any single basket of technology, money is going to be wasted, and it’s going to leave someone out! If they try putting BEAD mostly in the LEO basket, lumberjacks will be replacing drilling crews. The idea of Starlink being a cure-all for the nation is literally, not seeing the forest through the trees. Again, this is just one angle, or consideration for how we solve the nation’s Broadband issue. I will continue to look at the pros and cons of all technologies and post my thoughts in small chunks like this. Please send me comments if you have any questions.